Preserving the Legacy of Charles Deering

Founded in 1989, the Deering Estate Foundation serves as the philanthropic arm of the Deering Estate, dedicating its efforts to preserving, protecting, and enhancing the rich natural and historical resources of the Deering Estate. The Foundation helped to establish environmental education programs, obtained grants and funds to restore and enhance the historic buildings and grounds, seeded successful arts programs, and presented signature social events enjoyed by thousands.
deering estate foundation logo green

Our Mission

To raise public awareness, outreach, understanding and the enjoyment of the Deering Estate and to raise funds to support education, research, exhibits and collections, natural conservation and historical restoration and preservation. All funds converge on a single goal – to ensure in perpetuity the Deering Estate’s viability as a center for preservation, education, and recreation.

Our Vision

The Deering Estate Foundation will be the premiere voice and perpetual partner of the Deering Estate, providing the resources and support necessary to achieve and sustain national recognition as a diverse cultural and educational destination for future generations.

To fulfill its mission, The Deering Estate Foundation relies on annual membership dues and contributions from individuals, foundations and corporations that value the preservation of the Estate’s rich and storied history, the conservation of its diverse and expansive native habitats and access to unique cultural, educational, and recreational experiences it offers.

On This Land: The Charles Deering Estate

On This Land  – Funded by the 100 Ladies of Deering and written by author and preservationist Becky Roper Matkov, produced by Emmy-Award-winning director Carl Kesser, this half-hour long film is a project that involved extensive research, including trips to Chicago, Sarasota, Barcelona and Sitges, Spain and interviews with historians, archaeologists, a former governor and descendants of Charles Deering. Para ver el video en español, clic aquí.

Weeks-Wulf Gift to the Deering Estate Foundation

In 2014, Marta Weeks-Wulf affirmed the gift of her Palmetto Bay homestead to the Deering Estate Foundation. The 8.75 acre multi-million dollar property is located on the west edge of Old Cutler Road between SW 162 and 164 Streets adjacent to the Deering Estate. It includes more than seven acres of pristine native tropical hardwood hammock that Weeks-Wulf has managed and maintained under an Environmentally Endangered Lands (EEL) covenant, and a 10,500 square foot energy efficient home that she and her late husband L. Austin Weeks, petroleum geologist and former director of Weeks Petroleum, had custom built in 1982.

It is through the generosity of donors that we are able to continue our mission to perpetuate Charles Deering’s legacy. Your support truly makes a difference!

The Deering Estate Foundation, Inc. is a community-based charitable 501(c) 3 Florida Corporation dedicated to preserving and enhancing the Deering Estate, one of South Florida’s largest and most significant historical, archeological, architectural and environmental treasures.