Marine Conservation

Feb 05 2025
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
$80 - $100


Deering Estate Visitor Center, 16701 SW 72nd Avenue, Palmetto Bay Fl 33157
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These homeschool classes are geared for students ages 9-14. Classes will focus on Marine Biology through a diverse array of activities. Each session includes 4 Wednesday classes in the same month, and each class is from 10 AM – 1 PM. Schedule of activities are listed below.

Ages: 9-14

Time: 10 AM – 1 PM. Drop off & pickup are located at the Visitor Center.

Cost: $100 per child, for 4 Wednesday sessions in the same month.  $80 per child, for 3 Wednesday sessions December. in Spaces are limited!

*Registration online only*

SESSION 3: February 5, 12, 19, 26, 2025 

Wednesday, February 5
Activity: Mangrove Hike and Cleanup
Description: Students will hike the Mangrove ecosystems at the Deering estate and participate in a coastal cleanup! Students will then examine and categorize the garbage found to examine the biggest threats to our bay.

Wednesday, February 12
Activity: Environmental Law & Manatee Activity
Description: Students will take part in a forensics activity related to cause of death of a manatee and learn more about environmental law and protection. Students will then use what they’ve learned to craft a bill in a mock court session.

Wednesday, February 19
Activity: Ocean acidification and Shark Dissections
Description: Students will learn about the effects of man-made hazards and how they are affecting the ocean through acidification. Students will then dissect a shark to learn more about its biology and its importance to the marine ecology.

Wednesday, February 26
Activity: Oil Spill and Stingray Dissection
Description: In this class, students will develop a tool to clean up a mock oil spill and debate the creation of a new Marine Protected Area. They also will also conduct a stingray dissection to discover how these animals could potentially be affected by these hazards.

SESSION 4: April 2, 9, 16, & 23, 2025

Wednesday, April 2
Activity: Hurricanes and the Power of Water
Description: We will explore hurricanes and their effects on our coastal ecosystems. Students will learn how hurricanes form and create a simulation to further understand how they are created. Students will then construct a mock city and plan how to defend it from a hurricane.

Wednesday, April 9
Activity: Fishing and Fisheries Management
Description: Students will go fishing in the bay and then participate in a fisheries management activity to learn all about sustainable fisheries! (Please bring your own fishing rod).

Wednesday, April 16 
Activity: Water Quality Analysis & Catching Critters
Description: Students will learn about the pH and Salinity of the water and how it can affect the surrounding ecosystems. Different water samples from multiple locations will be examined including water from the bay collected during our catching critters activity!

Wednesday, April 23
Activity: Coastal Expedition
Description: Kayaking south Florida’s coastal areas is the best way to experience the wildlife that call these habitats home. The class will explore that waterways that go through the mangrove forests.

To receive emails for class updates and supplemental material: Please email Ivonne at [email protected]

Please note, scheduled activities are subject to change.

Check out our other Homeschool Programs here

Registration is via Miami Dade County Park Link.  Create your account today by clicking here. To guide you through how to register for a Miami-Dade County Park Link account to purchase your tickets, you may view an instructional PDF by clicking here.

Questions? Contact Us

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