Conservation Workshop Series
- Oct 13 2024
- 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
- $0-$5
On Sunday, October 13th, join us for the next Conservation workshop “Butterflies in Your Backyard.”
Do you have an interest in finding and identifying butterflies in South Florida? Butterflies in your Backyard introduces attendees to the specific butterflies they could expect to find in their zip code, according to the types of habitats that exist in the area. Learn how to discern similar species from one another, and the native plants one could plant to attract them to their home landscape. Attendees will also learn how to use the iNaturalist app so that they can document and catalog these species on their own time. Butterfly walks are available also as a component to follow the class – where attendees can walk the grounds and potentially receive a “Wings Over Florida” Butterfly Viewing Certificate!
Tickets/RSVP online
The workshops are held at the Visitor Center Exhibit Room.
This workshop series is part of the UF/IFAS Extension Master Gardener Program. Master Gardeners make an important contribution to the community through volunteering their time and learned expertise by assisting the Urban Horticulture Agent in several ways such as providing educational classes.
$5 per person ages 13+ (non-members). Tickets online
Free for children ages 12 & under (RSVP /tickets online)
Free for Deering Estate Foundation Members (RSVP / tickets online)
Additional workshop dates:
Nov. 10 “Composting 101”
Tickets/RSVP online
Join the University of Florida Master Gardeners as they teach the step-by-step process of creating compost from your kitchen and yard waste. You will learn what materials to use, the process of composting, and how to maintain your pile active. At the end you will get a voucher to receive a FREE composter for your home courtesy of Miami-Dade County’s Department of Solid Waste Management.
Dec. 8 “Introduction to Florida Friendly Landscaping”
Tickets/RSVP online
Learn all about Florida-Friendly Landscaping TM common practices – specifically, how to create a sustainable landscape using Florida-Friendly Landscaping TM. We will introduce participants to the FFL Program and review 9 Principles that together will help you create a beautiful and sustainable landscape that could save you time, energy, and money while protecting our water, resources, and the environment.